Planning Your Calendar to Navigate the Unexpected
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
2:20 PM - 3:10 PM
Location Name
Bayside A/B/C, Floor 4
How you plan your calendar impacts the flow of business. Knowing what’s coming down the pike can better help you navigate surprises. This session asks you to review what you can anticipate during any calendar year and plot the constants (holidays, frontlist ordering windows, weekly bestseller reporting, ABACUS, national and regional events) so that when variables (staff vacations, events & book fairs, emergencies) arise, you already have one foot out of triage and can better handle whatever comes at you.
Files & Links
Courtney Wallace, American Booksellers Association - White Plains, NY
Jennifer Sauter-Price, Read Early And Daily R.E.A.D. - Arlington, VA
Rene Holderman, Third Place Books - Lake Forest Park, WA
Melissa Taylor, E. Shaver, Bookseller - Savannah, GA