Inspiring Families and Kids to Read Again
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
2:20 PM - 3:10 PM
Location Name
Maurepas, Floor 3
Reading is on the decline. We've all heard it and we're all worried. It will take a bookstore organizing and community effort to relight the spark of literacy in not just kids, but also their parents. Bookstores with active reading programs will share models that work for them that booksellers can implement in their bookstores. This session will include time for a discussion on how the collective can work together to keep kids in bookstores.
Files & Links
Cliff Helm, Left Bank Books - St. Louis, MO
Sandie Angulo Chen, Loyalty Bookstores - Silver Spring, MD
Diane Capriola, Little Shop of Stories - Decatur, GA
Cortney Yee, Changing Hands Bookstore - Tempe, AZ