Bookstore Systems and Automations
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
11:20 AM - 12:10 PM
Location Name
Borgne, Floor 3
Can a bookstore be a Rube Goldberg machine? Realistically? Probably not, but here booksellers will apply the geometric law of syllogism (“If this, then that”) to demonstrate how to automate processes or develop systems to follow a consistent pattern or trigger a chain reaction of “this, then that.” Attendees will learn about low code/no code automation, and have the chance to examine and re-evaluate systems that can be streamlined to create an outcome that follows a chain reaction pattern — whether it’s an Excel formula or a standard procedure for fluid store operations.
Files & Links
Mikey LaFave, Avid Bookshop - Athens, GA
Hannah Oliver Depp, Loyalty Bookstores - Washington, DC
Kelly Justice, Fountain Booktore - Richmond, VA
Danielle King, Left Bank Books - St. Louis, MO