Publisher Education: Booksellers Present on Children’s Events in the 2020s
Monday, June 10, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Location Name
Rhythms Ballroom I, Floor 2
This session is exclusively designed for publishers and led by events managers from bookstores with longstanding histories of successful events. Booksellers will present how events (virtual, hybrid, and in-person) have evolved since the onset of COVID-19 in 2020 through today. They will investigate factors that impact the new needs of bookstores and customers as they pertain to events and school visits, and share solutions that cultivate cross-industry collaboration so that bookstores, event participants, authors, and publishers have their needs met now and into the future.
Files & Links
Nahin Cano, Seminary Co-Op Bookstore - Chicago, IL
Angie Zhao, bbgb - Richmond, VA
Lupe Penn, Bookmarks - Winston-Salem, NC
Brein Lopez, Children's Book World - Los Angeles, CA