Strategies for Direct Ordering
Monday, February 12, 2024
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Location Name
Junior Ballroom B, Floor 3, Duke Energy Convention Center
In an industry with such slim margins, direct ordering can make all the difference to your bookstore’s bottom line. In this session, Ted Hill of Pubnet/Pubeasy, Deidre Dumpson of Edelweiss, and a bookseller panelist will guide you through the key elements of creating a direct ordering strategy, and show you how to use Edelweiss to order frontlist and Pubnet/Pubeasy to order backlist directly from publishers and distributors. If you’re a new bookstore who has primarily sourced your inventory from wholesalers and are now looking to diversify your ordering, this session is for you! You’ll leave this session with the ability to: understand the importance of balanced ordering from both wholesalers and publishers; create a customized ordering strategy; leverage the technology of Edelweiss, Pubnet, and Pubeasy to streamline direct ordering; and build lasting publisher relationships.
Jill Hendrix, Fiction Addiction - Greenville, SC
Ted Hill, Pubeasy & Pubnet - Brooklyn, NY
Alison Langlois, Edelweiss by Above the Treeline - Ann Arbor, MI
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