Indie-to-Indie: Working Together
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Location Name
Junior Ballroom B, Floor 3, Duke Energy Convention Center
Independent booksellers and independent presses have great potential to make a significant impact on the industry by working more closely and intentionally together. Come to this session to better understand the power of the independent publisher and independent bookseller relationship, and leave with practical takeaways and resources for ordering and featuring indie books, how you can connect with the right indie presses for your store, and how you can best partner with them to maximize your store’s impact in your community. Let’s build better bridges!
Paul Yamazaki, City Lights Booksellers & Publishers - San Francisco, CA
Sanj Kharbanda, Beacon Press - Boston, MA
Noor Shawaf, Ode Books - Chicago, IL
Terrie Akers, Other Press - New York, NY
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