IndieCommerce 2.0 Workshop
Sunday, February 23, 2025
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location Name
Plaza Ballroom - D, Concourse Level, Plaza Building

Back by popular demand, ABA's IndieCommerce team invites you to an interactive workshop designed specifically for users of the IndieCommerce 2.0 (IC 2.0) platform. This session offers a deep dive into both content management and e-commerce functionalities.

In the morning session, we'll guide you through content management with step-by-step instructions and real-time feedback, using your own IndieCommerce 2.0 site in "sandbox" mode for practical experience. Following a break for lunch (not provided), the afternoon will shift focus to e-commerce, where you'll explore advanced features and tools for optimizing your store's e-commerce functionality. The workshop is open to stores currently using an IC 2.0 website or those in the process of migrating from IndieCommerce 1.0. Pre-registration is required.