Leveraging Edelweiss 360
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Location Name
101 DE, Level 1, Wisconsin Center
Free to use by booksellers who subscribe to Edelweiss Analytics and powered by your store’s sales data, Edelweiss 360 is a tool that carries many benefits. This session, led by an Edelweiss team member, in partnership with bookseller panelists, will walk you through the possibilities available to you with Edelweiss 360. It will serve as a demonstration and invitation to discover the power of leveraging Edelweiss 360 to send targeted email marketing newsletters, streamline store operations like ordering, staff picks, marketing, and more while gaining revenue through our Collaborative Consumer. This session is for buyers, event planners, marketing, operations managers, and anyone curious to learn more about Edelweiss 360!