IndieCommerce 2.0 Workshop
Sunday, February 11, 2024
9:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Location Name
Junior Ballroom D, Floor 3, Duke Energy Convention Center

The IndieCommerce 2.0 Workshop is an interactive, classroom style workshop for users of ABA’s IC 2.0 platform. This workshop, taught by the members of the IndieCommerce team, will include step-by-step instructions for the topics covered and reinforce learning through feedback in a group setup. Each participant will have access to a copy of their IC 2.0 website in “sandbox” mode to use and follow along during the workshop. This workshop is open to stores who currently have an IC 2.0 website, or in the process of migrating from IndieCommerce 1.0 or IndieLite. Pre-registration is required. Booksellers interested in registering should contact

Chanthee Keokhaw, American Booksellers Association - White Plains, NY
Geetha Nathan, American Booksellers Association - White Plains, NY
Courtney Grasso, American Booksellers Association - White Plains, NY