Everything Wi2025... we’ve got answers to your questions.
At this time, ABA will not require proof of vaccination to attend Wi2025.
You will be able to choose a colored lanyard for your badge, to indicate your comfort level with others approaching you.
GREEN = handshakes/fist bumps welcome
YELLOW = elbow bumps and a little space appreciated
RED = no handshakes and lots of space please
If you’re not feeling well at any point during your stay, or if you are experiencing any signs or symptoms of COVID-19, we ask that you test, regardless of vaccination status or prior infection. For convenience and to prevent possible exposure to others, we recommend you bring your own COVID tests to the event.
If an attendee tests positive during the event, they must refrain from attending the remainder of the event or any remaining days.
If an attendee is notified during the event that a close contact has tested positive, they are encouraged to test and engage in CDC-recommended protocols.
Registration costs $450. Day Pass Registration for $110 is available for members whose stores are within 75 miles of Denver, Colorado. If you are a BIPOC bookseller and plan on attending IGNITE: BIPOC Bookseller Pre-Con, please register for that as well. IGNITE is free of charge!
ABA worked extensively to keep costs as low as possible for Wi2025 attendees. The registration prices reflect the rising cost of food in general and the high cost of hosting events in Denver. We have made several changes to this Institute in order to help manage the registration cost for booksellers. For example:
- Breakfast options have been simplified.
- We’ve reduced the number of free drink tickets for each attendee.
While the registration fee is higher than previous Institutes, ABA continues to subsidize the cost for each attendee.
For stores within 75 miles of Denver, Day Passes are offered for each of the four individual event days. Each attendee is limited to one day pass.
The afternoon before Winter Institute begins, BIPOC booksellers are invited to attend a free pre-conference event. This pilot program builds off of a great idea shared by a member of ABA’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Council (DEIC) and feedback from other DEIC members, members of ABA’s Bookseller Advisory Council, members of ABA staff, and other BIPOC ABA members.
It is modeled to emulate similar programs in colleges and universities to welcome and acclimate students of color to campuses at predominantly white institutions. IGNITE is part of our continued efforts to support booksellers of color and our commitment to antiracism, equity, access, and representation.
Visit the IGNITE web page for more information.
We ask attendees to provide their pronouns during registration if they would like them to appear on their badge. Badges are printed in advance of the event. Providing your pronoun is optional. If you prefer not to address or include your pronouns, you may skip this question.
You can review the details of the confirmation email you received, or log back in to Swoogo to review/manage your registration.
Authors, please check with your publisher.
You may cancel your registration by November 29, 2024 for a full refund, minus a $30 cancellation fee. Unfortunately, registrations canceled after November 29, 2024, are non-refundable regardless of circumstances.
You can also transfer your registration to another individual from your store on or before February 12, 2025.
The $260 registration fee for the Paz Workshop is non-refundable regardless of circumstance.
Please send all requests for transfers and cancellations to winterinstitute@bookweb.org.
As part of ABA’s commitment to reducing our carbon footprint, all of our meals will be vegetarian (might include eggs, honey, and dairy). If needed, you can request other options on the registration form.
You will be asked about dietary requirements when you register. Though the default is vegetarian meals, you can select vegan or meat options while registration is still open.
Due to limited capacity, family members are not able to register for this event. While they are welcome to travel with you, they will not be able to attend Institute events.
We recognize that Black History Month is an important time to be in stores instead of at Winter Institute. Since Institutes are planned 3–4 years in advance, we are committed to February for the near future. Based on feedback from Black booksellers, we are beginning to explore other possible dates and will be surveying booksellers for input.
Finding a time for trade shows is an industry-wide challenge. Considerations include bookseller and publisher calendars, less busy times that ensure hotel costs are reasonable, timing that allows the necessary lead time to plan what has become a much bigger event, and coordinating with regional shows and other industry events.
The Community Forum is an opportunity for the ABA Board to hear from members about issues their stores are facing and what they need from ABA.
This is an important opportunity for the ABA Board to hear from members and to inform ABA’s Ends Policies (the overarching goals for ABA’s work) that they review each year. Over the course of ABA’s history, the town hall forum and the voices raised there have brought about important changes and awareness in the industry and to ABA’s Ends Policies.
This Winter Institute Community Forum is designed to ensure that everyone in our community has a chance to talk and share. For approximately 30 minutes attendees will gather at round tables for open conversation about the business of bookselling, their stores, and the industry. (Open-ended questions will be provided as conversation starters and there will be writing pads and a QR code available at the table for attendees to share their thoughts with the ABA Board.)
For the subsequent 20 minutes, attendees will have the opportunity to step to a microphone (or have a microphone provided for them at their seat) and share their thoughts about industry and store issues with all attendees. To ensure that as many topics as possible can be heard at the microphone, there will be a limit of two speakers per topic. Attendees are asked to abide by ABA’s code of conduct and support ABA’s commitment to antiracism and equity.
Booksellers who would like to send questions in advance can email townhall@bookweb.org.
All events will take place at the Sheraton Denver Downtown (1550 Court Place). The Opening Reception will be offsite, which will have shuttle service provided. Be sure to refer to the program or check the event app for full details.
Before attending any sessions, you will need to check in at the Welcome Desk to pick up your badge and welcome bag! You can find the Welcome Desk in the Plaza Registration Foyer on Concourse Level in the Sheraton Denver Downtown Plaza Tower.
The event schedule is available online and will be available on the event app (coming soon). You will also receive a physical schedule in your welcome bag at check-in.
Your badge is required for entry into event spaces, so please wear it at all times. If something happens to your badge, visit the Welcome Desk or contact an ABA team member for help.
Wifi access will be available for event attendees.
Sheraton Denver Downtown: Wi2025
Password: booksellers
There is no dress code at Institutes! Overall, this is a casual event, though you may choose to dress up for receptions. We do suggest comfortable walking shoes, as well as layers, as hotels and meeting spaces are often cold. If you plan on going to a publisher dinner, please check with the restaurant to see if they have any specific dress requirements.
Any lost items will be left at the hotel’s front desk.
Visit Denver offers discount packages on its website. It also features a list of other events in the area.
Keep an eye on upcoming Wi2025 emails and the Winter Institute website to see the authors, speakers, publishers, and vendors that will be at the event. You can also use the event app to view other attendees when it’s available.
We want as many booksellers as possible to enjoy the Galley Room, so we ask that you take no more than 1 of each title. If you have multiple attendees from your store, when quantities are limited please take 1 per store and share. Some titles will have a QR code which you can scan to request a galley be sent directly to you if that title is out of stock or you’re unable to ship it home.
There will be a FedEx Shipping Desk in the Galley Room for shipping your galleys home, or to your bookstore. Bring pre-printed FedEx labels to speed the process. Note that a $2 per carton handling fee will be charged on all outbound shipments. FedEx will not be able to ship to Canada or other International addresses.
If you have an existing account, be sure to check that the account information is correct and the credit card on file is valid.
Don’t miss out on this member benefit and sign up with PartnerShip to save on shipping before you arrive in Denver! Questions can be directed to PartnerShip®, Marketing Program Manager, Jen Deming, by phone800-599-2902 x2811 or email: jdeming@PartnerShip.com
Check out the program ahead of time on the website or the event app to plan your days. Pick the sessions that appeal most to you and pace yourself! Many sessions are recorded and made available virtually after the conference, so be sure to keep an eye on Bookselling This Week if you miss a session you were excited about. And don’t forget to attend Rep Picks events to meet publisher reps and peek at their favorite upcoming titles.
There is no sure way to obtain an invite to publisher dinners, but building a relationship with a rep, if you have one, is a good first step. Another way is to increase your industry profile. That means submitting titles for the Indie Next List or Kids’ Indie Next List, promoting their books and authors on Staff Picks, appearing on panels, blogging or posting on social media, and getting to know other booksellers. As publishers see you supporting and promoting their books and authors, they’ll want you at their table!
If you are invited to special events outside of the conference and need to decline the invitation, email your host as soon as you can (before the day of the dinner!) to allow another bookseller a seat. If you are invited to a dinner and are unable to attend or wish to attend a dinner and have not yet procured an invitation, there will be a board near the Welcome Desk for sign ups and cancellations. Please look out for the board or ask when you pick up your badge.
There are plenty of opportunities to meet people at Institutes! When you register, sign up for our Buddy Program. This networking program matches new and new-ish Institute attendees (Buddies) with Institute veterans (Buddy Leaders), creating a space to network and seek guidance. The Buddy Meet and Greet will take place on Sunday, February 23 at 4:30 pm.
ABA will host the Institute Orientation virtually for the first time giving attendees a chance to learn tips and tricks, meet other attendees, and ask questions ahead of any programming. The Institute Orientation will be offered via Zoom on two dates; January 24 and February 10. Timing and further details to be shared in the coming weeks.
Receptions are also an excellent chance to mingle. And, feel free to walk up to someone you don't know and ask them what store they’re from! Check out our First-Timer’s Checklist for more tips to prepare.
While we are not offering a Virtual Institute this Winter, many of our sessions will be recorded and available on BookWeb after the event.
ABA is committed to antiracism, equity, access, and representation. We are also committed to being more inclusive, and we value the dignity and diversity of everyone in our community.
All ABA virtual and in-person event attendees and organizers are expected to comply with ABA's Code of Conduct, refraining from all forms of harassment, and showing respect and courtesy to everyone involved in ABA events.
The booksellers in the room are, by definition, competitors. This means that under the law, they are prohibited from discussing certain things.
- There can be no discussions of price or pricing policies. Competitors are never allowed to agree on the price at which merchandise is sold, or discounts at which merchandise is offered. All discussions of price and pricing policies are strictly off-limits.
- There can be no discussion of boycotts. Competitors cannot agree to cease doing business with any supplier for any reason. Nor can competitors agree to urge consumers to boycott a third competitor. It’s collusion, and is strictly prohibited.
- There can be no discussion of dividing up a market. For example, if there are two booksellers in New York City, they cannot agree that one will market only to consumers north of 57th Street while the other markets only to customers south of 57th Street. This is also collusion and is prohibited.
All three of these prohibitions come to us via the Sherman Antitrust Act, which carries treble damages and jail time. All three are per se violations, which means it only has to be proved that you engaged in the activity — whether or not there was intent to harm, or actual harm caused — for you to be guilty of violating the law.
We take photos at all of our events. By attending, you agree that your photograph or image may be taken and used in connection with Winter Institute. However, we strive to be courteous when taking photos. If you are asked to pose for a photo, you may decline and step out of the frame. See our photo waiver on BookWeb.org.
To request that no photos of you be used, you can contact winterinstitute@bookweb.org.
We continue to experiment ways to improve on our meal offerings to meet your needs while decreasing our climate impact and managing costs. In order to simplify your dining experience, we’ve moved away from dietary cards and are offering buffets that feature plant-based and animal protein options.
All meals will offer a buffet with a variety of vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options. Dishes will be labeled, if you have questions please speak with the wait staff. (Fast passes are available for attendees who require accessibility support for the buffet lines.)
Breakfast is light.
Please note there is no Book Swap dinner at this Institute. If you are looking for dinner plans, please check the Publisher Dinner Board at registration.
Breakfast keynotes and lunch sessions offer their respective meals, while evening receptions typically offer light hors d'oeuvres and drinks. We suggest that attendees bring their own snacks, as they will not be provided.
Definitely! To make sure you’ll have the latest information throughout the event, watch upcoming Wi2025 emails for details on downloading the app.
ABA is a non-profit trade association. In a trade association, members can support, and participate in, the organization by serving on task forces, councils, committees, and the board of directors. These are all unpaid, volunteer positions that offer the association insight and support, ensure that diverse voices help inform the organization’s work, and engage members in opportunities for professional growth, visibility in the industry, and mutual aid.
ABA comps booksellers and bookstore owners who serve on the Bookseller Advisory Council, the Children’s Group Council, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council, and the Board of Directors for at least one Institute a year, covering registration fees, hotel accommodation, and transportation.
Member bookstore owners and booksellers who work in member stores may also participate in Institute education as panelists or speakers. ABA solicits bookseller and bookstore owner panelist suggestions from the membership via Bookselling This Week, various ABA councils, and the Education Task Force. ABA staff also spends time visiting stores, talking to booksellers and bookstore owners at regional shows and Institutes, and observing store social media to find panelists and speakers. All bookseller and bookstore owner education panelists and moderators are paid a $100 honorarium. This rate is comparable to (or more than) market rate in the book industry and among trade associations. In addition, bookseller and bookstore owners who introduce keynote speakers are given a $25 honorarium and those who present solo or on a keynote panel are given an $150 honorarium.
ABA does sometimes make exceptions to these policies based on the association’s needs, including reserving a few scholarships for booksellers who weren't planning on attending an Institute or couldn't afford to attend, but whose experience ABA needs for a panel. ABA also may make exceptions based on accessibility needs, business needs, or for in-kind donations. All exceptions are reviewed by multiple ABA staff to ensure equity.
Scholarship recipients are comped for Institute registration, travel, and hotel accommodations as well. All bookstore owners and booksellers who work in a member store are eligible to apply for Institute scholarships (except for those who have already recently received ABA scholarships.)
Booksellers and bookstore owners can self-nominate, or nominate others, to serve on ABA councils, serve on the board, and apply for scholarships. Booksellers and bookstore owners can also volunteer to serve in other ways throughout the year. For example, on the Indies Introduce committee or as a Lightning Talk speaker. All opportunities to participate are announced in Bookselling This Week which all booksellers and bookstore owners can sign up for.
Generally, publishers support authors appearing at Winter Institute and Children's Institute. (Rare exceptions have been made based on ABA’s need to best support members at the time combined with exceptional circumstances. For example, for the IGNITE pilot program at Wi2025 authors/publishers appearing at the reception were given $100 honorariums.) Keynote authors are given a $200 honorarium. Indies Introduce Authors are given a $50 honorarium. Authors that appear as outside experts on education panels or as presenters for education sessions receive a $100 honorarium.
Training companies that facilitate education are paid by ABA unless they offer their services pro bono in which case they receive a $100 honorarium.
ABA is committed to making all reasonable arrangements that will allow conference attendees to participate in conference events. ABA complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and we work to make the conference comfortable and accessible for all participants. We recognize not all disabilities require accommodations, and some are invisible.
For the overall comfort of all attendees, ABA considers such accommodations as seating areas to rest between events, quiet rooms, maps in multiple formats, and an onsite contact when help is needed. ABA does not require every person to disclose their disability to us, but given the range and variations of disabilities, we may not know how to properly support someone with a disability unless they contact us directly to share their questions and concerns.
2025 Accessibility Services
Many accessibility services require advanced planning for a conference as large as ABA’s. In order to help us better prepare, all requests for accessibility services, equipment, or accommodations should be submitted before the conference. If you would like to discuss ways this event could be more accessible and/or inclusive, or if you have an accessibility question or need, contact accessibility@bookweb.org.
All gender restrooms will be available in the following locations labeled All Gender:
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel Plaza Building:
- Concourse Level: Two all gender restrooms are located across from Plaza Ballroom E and D.
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel Tower Building:
- Second Level: Two all gender restrooms are located near the elevators.
- Mezzanine Level: The men’s room across from the Silver meeting room and the women’s room next to the Denver meeting room will be converted to all gender restrooms.
For attendees who may want additional support to get around, there are several recommended mobility aid rental services in the area. ABA has a small fund to help attendees with the costs of wheelchairs and scooters on a first come, first served basis. Any attendees who would like to discuss using this fund should contact accessibility@bookweb.org. Requests will be fulfilled on a first come, first served basis.
Aspen Medical Supply
250 E. Dry Creek Road, #114
Littleton, CO 80122-2625
Phone: 720-322-0101
Colorado Lifestyle Medical
11914 W Cedar Drive
Lakewood, CO 80228
Phone: 303-988-4875
For additional assistance with wheelchair navigation, please check out Roll Mobility, a new app designed to make life easier for people who use wheelchairs or have mobility issues. Their platform provides reliable information on the accessibility of restaurants, public spaces, businesses, trails, and parking spaces, so you'll never have to worry about whether a place is truly accessible. This app is still new and is being tested in Denver. For more information, check out rollmobility.com.
The ABA Wi2025 hotel block will open on Tuesday, October 30 at 1:00 pm ET.
Attendees should book rooms in the Wi2025 hotel block exclusively through the Passkey link provided by ABA via email. This will ensure they receive the ABA discounted rate.
For those unable to secure a room on the first try, ABA will create a hotel waitlist. Don’t worry if you're unable to confirm a room initially; more rooms will be released or added at an overflow hotel as we move forward. ABA will confirm rooms for those on the hotel waitlist.
For any hotel related questions, please email hotel@bookweb.org. Please allow up to two business days for a response.
Sheraton Denver Downtown (1550 Court Place)
Room rate and taxes:
Rooms will cost $199 per night, plus a 15.75% Occupancy Tax (subject to change). A credit card is required at time of booking to guarantee all reservations.
Upon check-in, guests will be required to provide an ID and a credit or debit card to cover their stay and incidentals. A $100 charge per night will be placed as a hold on your card for the length of your stay and the actual amount will be charged upon departure.
The rate is good until Friday, January 31. Nights may be booked at this rate three days pre- and post-Wi2025 based on hotel availability. If you are unable to book a room, please join the waitlist, and then email hotel@bookweb.org for assistance.
If you are unable to book a room, you will be directed to join the waitlist. ABA will follow up with waitlisted attendees to make sure that as many people as possible get placed prior to the event, including adding nights to existing reservations or other modifications and securing additional lodging.
Questions about the hotels can be directed to hotel@bookweb.org. Please allow two business days for a response.
The Sheraton offers valet and on-site parking.
Valet parking: $52 a day
On-site parking: $42 a day
The Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel is a pet-friendly hotel. There is a $150 non-refundable pet fee and a maximum number of two pets per room. Please be aware there may be pets onsite.
*Only service animals will be allowed at Wi2025 events and programming. If attendees require service animals, please contact winterinstitute@bookweb.org.
Known as the “Mile High City,” Denver is exactly one mile (5,280 feet or 1,609.344 meters) above sea level! For those who do not live at high altitudes, adjusting to elevation can cause altitude sickness. Drinking plenty of water, or drinks with electrolytes, and monitoring alcohol intake can help. See these High-Altitude Tips for more information.
The Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel is about 26 miles from Denver International Airport.
Taxis are readily available at Denver International. Follow signage to the taxi area. Rideshare (Uber or Lyft) pick-up can be found on Island 5.
You can also take the Denver Airport Train to Union Station at the opposite end of the 16th Street Mall. From there attendees can take either the mall shuttle, rideshare (Uber or Lyft), or walk to the Sheraton Denver Downtown hotel. The cost is $10 each way — learn more at Visit Denver.
You can also visit the Denver International Airport transportation page to learn more.
Check out the Visit Denver website, DenverBlackPages.com, ShopBIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color), and/or Queer Denver Living to see a list of local attractions, shops, and dining options!